How can I improve my mood quickly?
My best way to improve my mood is to earn money. Your mood instantly improves as soon as you start making money. The more you earn, the higher your mood. You can also create something new that will bring in money. Joking aside, I recommend this antidepressant. The point is just to grow faster.
Understandably, you can watch a movie or TV series, read a book, go for a walk, attend an exotic massage, or buy something luxurious, but let’s be honest: you realize that this will just distract you for a while. A bad mood is the body’s signal. It tells you, “You’re sitting around being lazy, not developing, wasting your time, not following your purpose! You and I are stuck, and we’re stuck!” So you get a penalty for stagnation in the form of a bad mood, and you get depressed, anxious, “What is it? Why everything is wrong.” Your body says, “Pull yourself together. Look at your goals. You’re burning through your life and your energy. Focus, concentrate, and fire up!” So as soon as my mood drops, I get up and do something — let it be a presentation, a page, a picture, some new product. Or I just pick up the pace, double or triple it, and I feel great again. Here’s my recipe.