5 Dangerous Mental Pitfalls for Your Success
When my team’s scoring drops or I feel like I’m starting to lose ground, I always check myself and others for mental pitfalls. Did someone get caught in them? There are five traps: You’re looking…
Top 5 of My Favorite Podcasts
Podcasts are the best way to pass the time if you are stuck in traffic or have dinner alone. I listen to many podcasts about business and innovation. Still, for beginners, I recommend these four:…
Fight stress like a pro
Stress is the scourge of our time. Those who run a business, manage a team, or projects live with stress 24/7. It is sometimes difficult for me to bear the burden that falls on the…
What mistakes do novice leaders make?
People tend to make mistakes, and leaders are no exception. But, since you still lead people and are responsible for them, it is still important to minimize these mistakes or at least work them out….
What skills are essential for success?
“I can’t do it,” only weak people, who are not interested in making their dream come true, say that. Learning should be integral to your life if you want to achieve something. Executives, businessmen, speakers,…
Exercise for developing self-confidence
Confidence is something many people lack, sometimes even true leaders. In my book, “You’re Number One,” I give you several exercises to develop it; here is the simplest and most influential one. Maybe you won’t…
What rituals help me to be more effective
Rituals are also valuable habits, just more intimate. Rituals help get you into a working mood. I have several rituals that are time-tested and which make it possible for me to achieve everything that I…
What is the difference between a leader’s mindset and the mindset of an ordinary person?
Go outside with your phone. Watch someone for a few minutes, then turn on Steve Jobs’ YouTube talk and compare these two people. Can you see the difference? The leader stands out not just by…
‘I want to be like Zuckerberg’, or why should I keep learning?
Don’t believe in myths. If you drop out of university, you probably won’t become the next Zuckerberg, Jobs or Gates. Is that a shame? However, it is better to face the harsh reality now instead…
Why you shouldn’t correct all your mistakes
When you were in school, were you ever forced to fill an entire page with a single word where you had the misfortune of making a mistake? I was, and I am now sure that…